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Goals for this event

  1.  Raise $18K (goal ~$50/student) to help fund new ES playground improvements & MS basketball area

  2.  Funds for students programs & teacher support 

  3. Promote fitness, including the importance of taking care of your body as part of a healthy lifestyle!

How to give…(bye-bye snail mail ☺)…
1)  NEW:  Online fundraising tool  
Includes: webpages for each student, classroom & the school, easy to use, easy to SHARE and SAFE; real-time information on earnings for entire fundraiser!


2) Students can ask for donations from family and friends and return cash & checks in the donation envelope by October 10th; these will be manually entered into the website to help calculate totals.  

If a family chooses to do a flat donation for the entire family, money will be distributed equally between their students (unless otherwise noted).


We encourage you to create a student page. It’s free, easy, and interactive!


4 Simple Steps to get started “Racing for Recess”

  1. Go to; click the “Register your Child” star to begin; add your email and a password to get an account (this will allow you to see which of your family & friends has given via the website and your student, classroom and school progress for the entire fundraiser!)

  2. Choose school, add grade, choose teacher & add student name (only displays first initial of last name  in website). Optional: add picture & personalized message.  

  3. Click green ADD button along the bottom of the page.  (You can EDIT or view the student web page anytime from this parent login page.)
    (More kids?  Choose red +ADD STUDENT in right hand corner)  


ONE MORE STEP!  From the student’s webpage; simply share via Facebook or other social media with just a few clicks and/or use the email button to send to close friends and family.  Know 5-10 family or friends who might be interested in helping your student? How about a few friends on Facebook?...let them know what we are up to!

Please note: Your information is not used for any marketing to you or your family; the email template will load directly to your email carrier of choice and you choose emails from there.


Questions about our new online system?  Contact us; happy to answer questions or help out!

Becky Plambeck or Melissa France 303-990-2009 call or text

Donation packets with cash/checks are due back Oct 10th (or any day before)!

Please support our sponsors! Click on their image for more information.

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© 2015-2025 by Parent Teacher Organization of Woodrow Wilson Academy

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